Every patient’s condition and therefore Treatment Plan and costs will be unique to them.
While dental implants aren’t the cheapest option available, they are the most permanent, long-lasting solution and look great too.
If you are concerned about your suitability or the cost of the treatment, we can help answer all of your queries during your initial consultation.
Some dental implant treatments are more straight-forward than others, the more complex your treatment the greater the cost of achieving your desired outcome. At The Priory Dental, Harborne we provide all our implant patients with a bespoke treatment plan detailing the options available to you.
Costs are typically made up from the following
Dental implant treatment
Dentures and Bridges
Costs for pre-treatment are typically made up of any clinical consultations, x-rays and visuals records. We may also recommend further clinical pre-treatment, for example you may need a tooth extracted.
BOOK A FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATIONYour implant treatment can take place over several months or in some cases, it can be done in a single appointment. Based on your specific condition and needs, we will recommend the best treatment journey for you.
The cost of your treatment will depend upon whether your treatment journey is straight-forward, advanced or complex. It will also depend on how many implants we are providing and if we are simply restoring a crown onto the implant or using the dental implant as a means to fix a denture or bridge.
Dental implants provide a rigid frame on which we can create a brand-new set of teeth, whether that's a denture or a dental bridge.
Implant restorations are far more stable than basic dentures which means there is less chance of movement when eating or speaking.
If we are providing a denture or bridge, the cost of your treatment will depend upon whether we are treating one arch, both arches or how many teeth are being replaced with a Bridge. This can be confirmed at your consultation.